Branch Card Manager & Account Officer Career Bank Mega Medan July 2012
Starting as a family-owned business named PT. Karman Bank, founded in 1969 and based in Surabaya, then in 1992 changed its name to PT. Mega Bank and to relocate head office to Jakarta.
Along with the development of PT. Mega Bank in 1996 was taken over by THE GROUP (PT The Global Investindo and PT. Of Fellow Investama). To further enhance the image of the PT. Mega Bank, in June 1997 to change the logo in order that the public trust in financial institutions, will be more easily recognized through a new company logo. And in 2000 made changes to the name of PT. Mega Bank to PT. Bank Mega.
In order to strengthen the capital structure in the same year PT. Bank Mega conduct Initial Public Offering and listed on the JSX and SSX. Thus some of the shares of PT. Mega Bank is owned by the public and changed its name to PT. Bank Mega Tbk.
At the time of economic crisis, Bank Mega sticking out as one of the banks that are not affected by the crisis and continue to grow without government assistance, together with Citibank, Deutsche Bank and HSBC.
You want a career in Foreign Exchange National Bank of the famous and reputable? For those of you who have a network or the potential market and a good personality, and has no family relationship with the employees of PT. Mega Bank, we give you the opportunity to join and career, participate in nation building, as:
Branch Card Manager (Code: BCM)
Work Location: Palembang (South Sumatra), Padang, Jambi, Pekanbaru, Siantar and Medan
- Education Min S1, age max 37 years
- Experience Team Leader Credit Card Banking min 3 years
- Mastering Business Credit Card & Ability to foster team, has a strategy of Planning
- Willing targeted and has an extensive network
- Honest and loyal to the job
Work Location: Lampung, Sungai Liat, Pangkal Pinang, Baturaja, Prabumulih, Lubuk Linggau, Palembang, Pangkalan Kerinci, Duri, Ujung Batu, Dumai, Tembilahan, Bengkalis and Bengkulu
- Banker professionals who market the Small and Medium Enterprise Credit
- All Department of Education Min S1
- Has a customer base and extensive relationships (AO SME)
- Willing targeted and has an extensive network
- Experience in marketing Credit
- Honest and loyal to the job