Penerimaan CPNS 2012 - 2017 Dirjen Bea Cukai Kementerian Keuangan RI Siap Rekrut 15 Ribu Formasi
Respect to these conditions, the Great Kuswandono as Director General of Customs states required at least about 15,000 officers up to 5 years or 2017. The amount is considered sufficient to guard the border and the entrance to Indonesia.
"We want the next 5 years is about 15,000. Being 15,000, now it is 10 200 and no pension," he said when met at the General Office of the Ministry of Finance, Jalan Raya Wahidin, Jakarta.
General said that officials need to weigh pretty much the extent of the Indonesia and began developing an international airport and seaport.
"So in addition to vast country, many developed and renovated into the sea ports and airports. Priok 3 years to 4 times more capacity, Soekarno Hatta now have nearly 4 times as much. Now if the employee was just that much, it hurt that much, yes," he explained .
For this year, said Agung, the Direktorat Jenderal Bea Cukai Kementerian Keuangan will receive an additional 790 new officers to begin work in November.
"This year we can be about 790-an-sanctioned MenPAN. It's a process, can be employed in November, certainly before it must be educated first," he said.
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