Rekrutmen BUMN Taspen Persero Tingkat SMA & S1 November 2013 (Management Trainee & Non Management Trainee)

PT Taspen Persero is a civil Servant Social Insurance Program Provider consists of Program Pension and Old age savings Civil Servants which established on April 17, 1963. As stated owned enterprise, the company is delegated by the Government to implement Civil Servant Social Insurance Program consists of Civil Servant Pension Fund and Retirement Savings programs as implemented under Government Regulation No. 25 of 1981 and 26 of 1981 aiming to enhance Civil Servants’ welfare at their retirement ages.

On January 5, 2012, the company awarded Anugerah CINTA KARYA BANGSA as 3rd rank State owned enterprise handed by President of Republic Indonesia at Istana Negara.

Indonesian investment performance in 2013 is improved compared with previous year. Several factors that supported investment performance were namely business actors optimism towards Indonesian economic, investment climate improvement reflected from investment destination countries preferential survey (UNCTAD) as well as macro economy stability maintenance.

Human Resources is determining factor in realizing corporate mission, therefore, Taspen Persero is highly aware that the existence of employment as partners in achieving company’s objectives.

Rekrutmen BUMN Taspen Persero Tingkat SMA & S1 November 2013 (Management Trainee & Non Management Trainee)
Taspen Recruitment Management Systems

In line with Company’s additional working load as well as referring to employees requirement standard, Taspen Persero invites high qualified Indonesian candidates to join in. Several purposes of the recruitment among others are to prepare reliable HR, employees regeneration, filling vacant position in several working unit due to pension, passed away or resigned employees as well as reducing HR competency gap.

Employees recruitment held transparently with candidates requirements referring to Employees regulation and this year, the selection for recruitment process carried through online web system at

To fulfill employees necessity at Head Office and Main Branch/Branch Office, employees recruitment system held centralized, as follows:

1. Management Trainee

This position is eligible for you who graduate from bachelor degree in Accounting, Economic, Administration, Management, Law, Statistic, Finance, Computer Science, Communication and Civil Engineering.

The job description for a management trainee is to receive the training needed to become a future leader at PT Taspen Persero, In this case the selected candidates will be prepared as a Manager. You will participate in training experiences and learn new skills and work directly under an experienced manager who shows them how to properly perform tasks and make sure that things are getting done from the staff and other workers. You will then get the knowledge to advance themselves as a manager and will take on the responsibilities of completing daily paperwork, completing job and duties as a leader of a company.

Management trainee programs can offer benefits to the trainee and the business. These programs are designed to teach all the aspects of the business to an employee. From marketing to customer service a management trainee program can increase the knowledge. Once a trainee has completed the program they are now ready to be promoted. Promotions are a great benefit to a trainee. Being in a management trainee program can boost the confidence of your career path.

2. Non Management Trainee

This position is for you who graduate from high school level. This position is divided into several categories, are: Customer Service, General Clerk Administration, Finance Administration, and Cashier. Please apply as your education background level

Compensation and Benefits

Taspen Persero promotes Human Resources management activity focusing on integrated, qualified and professional HR development.
When you selected as an employment of PT Taspen Persero, you will get many advantages:


  1. Salary based on Person, Position, Performance
  2. Transportation Allowance
  3. Leave benefits
  4. Idul Fitri Allowance

Non Financial:

  1. Medical Allowance
  2. Master Degree Scholarship

Insurance and Others:

  1. Jamsostek
  2. Retirement Investment Program
  3. Retirement Saving Account
  4. Hajj Allowance
  5. Home Allowance

Test Selections

To obtain high-quality employees, the employees recruitment is carried by independent institution under structured selection scheme including administrative selection, academic potential test, psycho test, health medical checkup and final interview. Towards the accepted employees, will be participated on working preparation training as recruitment process final stage.

The candidates admitted passed on final selection later placed as trainee officers and obligatory to perform official commitment starting from admitted as trainee performing OJT. Trainee that have completed OJT and admitted qualified referring to related Head of Working Unit assessment/recommendation can be appointed as Employees candidate. Employees candidate salary level is determined referring to educational background on employees recruitment process. Employees candidate that has completed probation period can be appointed as permanent employees that is obligated to signed commitment declaration.

Are You Interested to Join In ?

When you are eligible to apply, you may apply to "Recruitment Management System Taspen Persero 2013" starting November 18, 2013 till November 24, 2013.


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