Pengumuman Seleksi Calon Sekretaris Jenderal KPU (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) November 2012

Pengumuman Seleksi Calon Sekretaris Jenderal KPU (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) November 2012
Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) has the duty, authority and duty to coordinate, organize, and control all stages of the election the Parliament, Council and Parliament, the Presidential / Vice-President and Regional Head Election and Deputy Head. Including program planning and budget and establish a timetable; prepare and establish the working procedures of the KPU, Provincial, Regency / City KPU, PPK, PPS, KPPS, PPLN, and KPPSLN and to develop and establish guidelines for the technical nature of each stage by the prevailing and regulations.

To support the achievement of these goals assisted by a member of the Commission Secretariat General of the Commission, headed by a Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the KPU is technically operationally responsible to the Commission. Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the KPU coordinate 7 (seven) in the Secretariat General of the Bureau of the Commission.

To manage the financial administration and procurement of goods and services based on legislation, led the Commission to form fittings such divisions and There is also the Regional Coordinator (Area Coordinator) formed according to the needs.

  • Realization of Election Commission as Election organizers of integrity, professional, independent, transparent and accountable, for the creation of quality Indonesian democracy based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
  1. Election organizers build institutions with competence, credibility and capability in conducting the General Election;
  2. Holding General Elections to elect Members of the House of Representatives, Regional Representatives Council, Regional Representatives Council, the President and Vice President and Regional Head and Deputy Head of direct, general, free, secret, honest, fair, accountable, educative and civilized;
  3. Improving the quality of general elections that are clean, efficient and effective;
  4. Serve and treat each participant Elections are fair and equitable, and enforce regulations Electoral consistent with laws and regulations;
  5. Increasing political awareness of the people to participate actively in the General Election for the realization of the ideals of a democratic Indonesia.
In order to fill the position Secretary-General of the National Election Commission, the Commission provides the opportunity for civil servants and civil servants Central Region to participate in the selection, with the following conditions:

Announcements General Secretary Candidate Selection KPU 2012..>>>


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