Penerimaan Beasiswa Perwira Prajurit Karir TNI 2013

Beasiswa Perwira Prajurit Karir TNI 2013
Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) was born in struggle to maintain the independence of Indonesia from the threat of Dutch ambitions to colonize Indonesia back through force of arms. TNI is a development organization that started the People's Security Agency (BKR). Furthermore, on October 5, 1945 to People's Security Army (TKR), and to improve the composition according to the international military base, was changed to the Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI).

In a further development the government's efforts to improve national army continues to run, as she fought and struggled for upholding the sovereignty and independence of the nation. To unite the two armed forces TRI as regular soldiers and agencies struggle of the people, then on June 3, 1947 the President formally approve the establishment of the Indonesian military (TNI).

Roles, Functions and Duties of the TNI (military first) also changed in accordance with Law No. 34 of 2004. TNI is a tool of the state in the field of defense in performing their duties under the policy and political decisions of the country. Military as an instrument of national defense, serves as a: an antidote against any form of military threats and armed threats from outside and inside the country against the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and safety of the nation, against any threat responder referred to above, and the restorer of the condition of the state security disrupted due to the chaos of security.

TNI is the fundamental duty to uphold state sovereignty, defend the territorial integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, as well as protect all the people and the entire country of Indonesia from threats and harassment against the integrity of the nation and the state.

In order to meet an expert in TNI Organization, The Indonesian National Armed Forces invites best college students to join at:

Perwira Prajurit Karir Program
Registration Period: Nov 14, 2012 - Dec 31, 2012

Selection Test:
  1. Administration Test
  2. Kesamaptaan Jasmani Test
  3. Psychology Test
  4. Health Test
  5. Mental & Ideology Test
  • Indonesian citizen
  • Min GPA 2.80 scale of 4.00 (private universities min A accreditation)
  • Min GPA 3.00 scale of 4.00 (national universities)
Details announcement in Bahasa, you may download all documents below. Please read all procedures and documents before applying this scholarship.

Announcement of Admission Officers Scholarship 2013 TNI Career Soldiers..>>>


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