Jobs and Career Kopindosat - Koperasi Pegawai Indosat July 2012

Jobs and Career Kopindosat - Koperasi Pegawai Indosat July 2012Koperasi Pegawai Indosat (Kopindosat) as a business entity established in August 15, 1984, engaged in various business sectors of trade and services include:
  • Card Distribution Telecommunications (GSM, CDMA, Broadband)
  • Infrastrukstur Telecommunications Construction (Design, SACME, Information Technology)
  • Property Construction (Town House, Office)
  • Rental Services (Vehicle, Genset, Copy Machine, Property, Telecommunications Measuring Devices, Tools Indoor Office)
  • Marketing and Advertising Tools (Digital Printing, Flyers, Billboards, Neon Sign, Ad-scroller)
  • General trade
  • Delivery Services (expedition)
  • Hospitality (Catering and Cafe)
  • Savings and Loans Unit
  • Tour and Travel
In addition to over 10 major businesses, Kopindosat reinforced by two subsidiaries namely PT. Personel Alih Daya engaged in the service outsourching, PT. Puriperkasa Farmindo engaged in health facilities and PT. Kopindosat Tour & Travel

To run the business operations and provide excellent service quality, Kopindosat apply:
  • Development of integrated human resource system that can deliver professional and competent
  • Integrated IT application systems
  • Standard operating procedures and standard
  • Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (Good Corporate Governance)
Vision Kopindosat:
To Be The Best Cooperative in Indonesia
To be the main strategic partner of sales, distribution, and support of all products, services, and solutions of Indosat
Being at customers and members "Top-Of-Mind" for the provision of products, services, and solutions
Offering various of quality products, services, and solutions
Mission Kopindosat:
To develop and provide innovative and quality products, services, and solutions, which offer the best value to members and customers
To give competitive return and continously grow to increase stakeholders welfare
To give opportunity to stakeholders to actively participate in Cooperative's business and increase their enterpreneurship
Available Positions Kopindosat

Chief Engineer (Code: CE)
Working Location: Jakarta Raya, Lampung, South Sulawesi, South Sumatera

  • Understanding the contract documents, the Plan Project Budget, Project Quality Plan
  • Understanding the coordination of planning shop drawings, super inposed drawing and as built drawings
  • Understanding the planning schedule of work (Bar Chart / NWP)
  • Understanding of work systems and work methods in construction
  • Understanding the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and OHSAS 18001:2007
  • Mastering the techniques of construction and follow its development
  • Understand the use and management of construction equipment
  • Understanding Occupational Health, Safety (K3)
  • Understanding the cost analysis and scheduling
  1. Male / Female
  2. Age Max. 35 years
  3. Experienced 5-7 years in a building contractor as an Engineer in a large-scale projects
  4. Civil Engineering Education D3/S1
  5. Preferred can master English oral / written
  6. Adept at operating a computer
  7. Ready to work under pressure
  8. Ready to work Full Time
  9. Ditempatakan ready to work outside the area of the island of Java
  10. Project location in Jakarta, Lampung, South Sumatra, South Sulawesi
  11. Status of contract
Accounting Staff
Working Location: West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan

  1. Male (Over The Polar)
  2. Age Max. 27 years
  3. Minimal education D3/S1 - Department of Economics / Accounting
  4. GPA (Grade Point Average) Min. 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  5. Minimum 1 year experience in the Field of Accounting
  6. Have work experience in the Accounting
  7. Domiciled in Kalimantan (Balikpapan, Samarinda, Pontianak and surrounding areas)
  8. Where to place the work in Kalimantan (Balikpapan, Samarinda, Pontianak, Makassar)
  9. Having SIM A and SIM C
  10. Completeness letter has a vehicle (vehicle registration / reg)
  11. Ms can operate. Office
  12. Can work with the pressure
  13. Contract Status
Chief Supervisor
Working Location: Bali, Jakarta Raya, East Java, South Sumatra

  • Understanding the contract documents, the Plan Project Budget, Project Quality Plan
  • Mastering the techniques of construction and follow its development
  • Understanding of work systems and work methods in construction
  • Construction management and financial control of practical
  • Understand the use and management of construction equipment
  • Understanding the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and OHSAS 18001:2007
  • Understanding Occupational Health, Safety (K3)
  • Understanding the cost analysis and scheduling
  • Have the ability to problem solving and good decision making
  1. Male / Female (male)
  2. Age Max. 35 years
  3. D3/S1 Education - Department of Civil Engineering / Architectural Engineering
  4. Experienced 3-5 years in a building contractor as a Site Supervisor in a large-scale projects
  5. Preferred can master English oral / written
  6. Adept at operating a computer
  7. Ready to work under pressure
  8. Ready to work Full Time
  9. Ready to work in the field
  10. Willing to be placed in areas outside of Java Island
  11. Employment locations in Jakarta, Lampung, South Sulawesi, South Sumatera
  12. Contract Status
Information Technology (IT)
Working Location: Jakarta

  1. Male / Female (Male)
  2. Age max. 30 years
  3. Minimum SMK/D3/S1 Information Technology Department / Computer science
  4. In the Polar Fresh Graduate
  5. Minimum 1 year experience in the field of Computer Science
  6. Have work experience in the Computer Science
  7. Ms can operate. Office
  8. Can work together in a team
  9. Can work with the pressure
  10. Placement location in Jakarta
  11. Contract Status
Administrative Staff
Working Location: Jakarta

  1. Men / Women
  2. Age max. 27 years
  3. Minimum SMK/D3/S1 Department of Economics / Administration / Accounting / Financial Management / Taxation / Banking
  4. Minimum 2 years experience in the Field Administration
  5. Have experience working in the Administration
  6. Ms can operate. Office
  7. Can work together in a team
  8. Can work with the pressure
  9. Placement location in Jakarta
  10. Contract Status
HRD (Human Resources Development)
Working Location: Jakarta Raya, South Sumatra

  • Understanding of HR (Human Resources)
  • Understand about PsikoTest and test tools
  • Understanding in the field of recruitment
  • Understanding of learning and training for employees
  1. Male / Female (Male / Female)
  2. Age Max. 28 Years
  3. Education Min. S1 - Department of psychology
  4. Fresh Graduated (More on priority)
  5. Min. GPA (grade point average) 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  6. Min. 1 Year Experience Working in the field of recruitment
  7. Placement locations in Jakarta, South Sumatra
  8. Ready to be placed outside Java Island regions (South Sumatra)
  9. Ready to work Full Time
  10. Status of contract
Send your application cover letter prior to the date of August 8, 2012 to: Koperasi PT. Indosat, Tbk (Kopindosat) - Jl. Kebagusan I No.4 - Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520 or by Email to:


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