Field Collector & Desk Relationship Officer Career Toyota Astra Finance July 2012

Field Collector & Desk Relationship Officer Career Toyota Astra Finance July 2012
PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (Toyota Astra Finance) is a joint venture between PT Astra International Tbk (AI) and Toyota Financial Services Corporation (TFSC - subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation) whose relationship has spanned for over 30 years. Memorandum of Understanding was signed in October 2005, an initiative which aims to be the most preferred and ultimately, the only financing solution for Toyota vehicle ownership.

In each of the 33 of Toyota Financial Services outlets that operate globally in 33 countries, Toyota Astra Finance places high values on professionalism especially in providing services, achieving excellence across all areas, customer focus, and building the team spirit. Toyota Astra Finance also strives to provide services that are trouble-free, affordable, and accessible - assisting customers further in making their Toyota dreams come true.

Available Positions:

Field Collector (FC)
Working Location: Pekanbaru (Riau), Palembang, Cirebon, Batam, Bandung, Balikpapan and Jakarta

  • Responsible for handling accounts receivable problems.
  • Daily tasks is to monitor accounts receivable and bucket problems the best way of doing billing for customers who do not meet its obligations, in accordance with applicable procedures and keep the quality of care.
  • It required the energy and persistence in dealing with the handling bucket, strong integrity and ability to maintain excellent service.
  1. Min. D3 with GPA min. 3.0
  2. Age not more than 30 years
  3. Has a strong energy to achieve individual and team targets
  4. Independent and have a strong desire to learn
  5. Ability to work with others and have the ability to establish strong relationships
  6. Having good persuasion skills, giving rise to impact and ability to influence others in order to obtain a commitment
  7. Able to work under pressure
  8. High integrity
  9. Has a motor and SIM C / A
Relationship Desk Officer (Dero)
Work Location: Jakarta

  • Responsible for handling accounts receivable problems.
  • Daily tasks is to monitor the telephone memalui bucket receivable problems and find the best way of doing billing for customers who do not meet its obligations, in accordance with applicable procedures and keep the quality of care.
  1. Min. D3 with GPA min 3.0
  2. Age not more than 30 years
  3. Has a strong energy to achieve individual and team targets
  4. Independent and have a strong desire to learn
  5. Having good persuasion skills
  6. Able to work under pressure
  7. High integrity
If you are interested with the position that we offer as above, please sign up online application to the address provided below before the date of August 2, 2012.
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