Jobs and Career Bank BI - Bank Indonesia June 2012

Jobs and Career Bank BI - Bank Indonesia June 2012Bank Indonesia - BI is the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia. BI established in 1 July 1953 from the nationalization of De Javasche Bank, a Nederlands-Indische bank dating from colonial times. De Javasche Bank was established by the Government of Nederlands-Indische as a curculation bank to issue and circulate currency.

Bank Indonesia operated with single objective; to achieve and maintain the stability of the Rupiah value. The Bank organization comprises of 3 (three) primary fields that define its primary tasks, consist of Monetary, Banking, and the Payment System. The Bank's head quarter located in Jakarta and supported by 37 branch offices across Indonesia. BI also operated in 4 (four) representative offices located in Singapore, Tokyo, London, and New York.

In line with its vision, to be recognized, nationally and internationally, as a credible central bank through the strengthening strategicvalues and achieving low and stable rate of inflation, currently Bank Indonesia invites the best candidates to join as following position:

Cashier Assistant/Staff

General Requirements
  • Male, Indonesian Citizen (WNI), with min age 20 years old and max age 23 years old (in 9 June 2012)
  • Hold min SMU/SMK and max D2
  • Average score of UN min 6.0 for SMU/SMK, GPA min 2.75 for D1/D2
  • Min height 160 cm
  • Computer literate
  • Never had a criminal conviction or criminal litigation as evidenced by a Note Certificate of Police (SKCK)
  • Physically and mentally healthy, including:
  1. Not color blind,
  2. Do not have vision problems (do not use glasses / contact lenses) as evidenced by Health Certificate from the health center / hospital doctor
  • Preferred area of residence according to the proposed office of Bank Indonesia
  • Willing to follow all the stages of selection conducted by Bank Indonesia
  • Not serving a bond with other agencies
For further detail information and to apply, please refer apply jobs & source from Bank Indonesia on following link below. Registration closed on 15 June 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Apply & Source


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