Lowongan Kerja PT PLN Persero Distribusi Jakarta & Tangerang
- Position Title: Junior Operator / Junior technicial in the Field of Electric Power Distribution (Code: DIS)
- Position Title: Junior Operator / Junior technicial in the field of Transmission of Electricity (Code: TRS)
- Position Title: Junior Operator / Junior technicial in the Field of Engineering (Code: KIT)
- Position Title: Senior Administration Officer on (code: ADM)
Positions are categorized as executive power with 46 years of age pension and social security are managed by the agency designated by the insurance company.
Placement in the region of Jabodetabek and Banten.
General Requirements:
- Male gender for the DIS, TRS, and KIT and male / female for ADM
- Unmarried status, and could not get married during the training prajabatan
- Last high school education ipa / ip, and smk mechanical engineering / electrical office, commercial and secretarial.
- NEM average value of at least 7.5
- Birth year 1992 or thereafter;
- Minimum height 160 cm (for dis, trs and kit)
- Minimum height 155 cm for women adm (adm for men 160 cm)
- Weight proportionate to height (bmi maximum 28)
- Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind; with a doctor's certificate
- No bertatto and not pierced;
- Not tied to any institution of a joint;
- Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances and do not engage in criminal acts, written affidavit on the stamp rp. 6000, -
- Pass the selection process, which includes: selection and administration, academic tests, physical tests, psychological test, medical tests, interviews and training prajabatan.
- Preferably come from the people in the Greater Jakarta and Banten and proven by identity cards.
- Able-bodied (according to laboratory standard), normal eyes and do not suffer from epilepsy.
- Have the physical ability to be able to do the work in the operation, including:
- Work shift (day / night)
- Work discipline and implement regulations
- Prajabatan willing to take part in education for a maximum of 12 months with a status as a student training prajabatan.
- If passed prajabatan training, will be appointed as a permanent employee and must undergo a bond for 5 (five) years after the employee was appointed.
- Photocopy of identity card / driving license valid
- Photocopy of birth certificate / letter know who have been legalized birth
- Photocopies of diplomas and the sma ipa nem / smk which has been legalized
- Cover letter addressed to: recruitment consultant PT PLN (Persero) PO BOX 1141 JKTPST, Jakarta 10110,
- At the top right of the target position is written code, eg dis, trs or kit
- Passport photo size 3 x 4 cm 3 pieces
- Applicant's affidavit on the stamp that states that do not engage in drug abuse and other addictive substances and do not engage in criminal acts, written affidavit on the stamp Rp. 6000, -
- Health certificate and not color blind
This application closed on 7 March 2012 (postmark). Submission of applications over time will not be processed. Only applicants who meet the requirements that will be called upon to participate in the selection.
- Venue and schedule selection will be notified through the web site: www.pln.co.id/disjaya/
- Not conducted a correspondence with applicants
- Recruitment committee's decision will be final.
- To ensure that applicants address that can be reached by the post office or the trust of lightning
- Inclusion no. Telphone or mobile phone house in order in a state of permanent and active
- Announcement to be read carefully and thoroughly.
PT PLN Persero Jabodetabek and Banten..>>>