Rekrutmen BUMN PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Tingkat D3 Oktober 2013

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is the largest state-owned bank in Indonesia by assets. As of June 2013, Bank Mandiri maintains reported total assets worth of Rp 672.17 trillion. Bank Mandiri was established 1998 as the merged entity of 4 state-owned banks in Indonesia. At present, Bank Mandiri is based in Jakarta and supported by 1,835 branches, 2,235 micro outlets, as well as 11,454 ATMs and 206,639 EDC machines. In October 2013, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk was named the "Best Public Company in Indonesia" with scored highest in the Global 2000 Leading Companies published by Forbes magazine.

Bank Mandiri managed to increase its third-party funds to Rp 478.2 trillion per end August 2013 or increased from Rp 402.8 trillion as of the same periode last year, according Bank Mandiri News Release 3 October 2013 as cited by

Rekrutmen BUMN PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Tingkat D3 Oktober 2013
To support its progressive growth, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions as:
  1. Sales Marketing
  2. Sales Executive (SE)
General Requirements
  • Max age 35 years old
  • Min D3 (GPA min 2.75 out of 4)
  • Good looking
  • Preferaby experienced in credit card industry
  • Target oriented and adherence to corporate rules
  • Have a good communication skill
  • Discipline, honest and responsible
  • Placement in Greater Solo
To apply, please submit your complete CV and photograph to PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Regional Card Center Coordinator Solo - Jl Yos Sudarso No 387 Solo attn Mr Rifky.

Apply Jobs Bank Mandiri
Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment.


Jobs BUMN 8588767098331451607

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