PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII Persero Career Program 2013
PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (Persero) hereinafter is referred to as PTPN XIII is a State-Owned Enterprise established since 1996, with 100% share ownership owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. PTPN XIII is an incorporation of 8 (eight) PTPs development project in plantation agribusiness sector, with the work area covers West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan Province, Its head offi ce is located in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.
PTPN XIII has placed itself as a State Company which has managed in creating improvements and changes to the social and economic condition of the surrounding community. Economic Multiplier eff ects caused by the presence of PTPN XIII through its plantations are forms of income improvements for farmers and surrounding communities. The emergence and development of small businesses outside oil palm sector cannot be separated from donations and loans in form of revolving credit with no interest to farmers in the plantation surroundings, through partnerships and environmental development programs.
As one of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) in plantation agribusiness sector, we try to carry out the mandate of three plantation functions, namely:
PTPN XIII Persero is highly committed to human resources and the company has developed a structure and system of corporate governance Good Corporate Governance as an eff ort to realize a company growing and developing on an ongoing basis. We are opening recruitment for 2013 as below announcement.
Register Jobs PTPN XIII Persero 2013
The applicants that would like to send application letter related to above announcement and building the cooperation please access the official source link above that we provided to registration.

As one of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) in plantation agribusiness sector, we try to carry out the mandate of three plantation functions, namely:
- Economic functions: to increase the income of the surrounding society, to increase the State revenues, to provide employment, to increase productivity, added value and competitiveness, to fulfi ll the needs for consumption and industrial raw materials;
- Ecological functions: to optimize sustainable natural resources management, to enhance land and water conservation, to absorb carbon, to provide oxygen, and to sustain protected areas;
- Socio-cultural functions: to strengthen and unify the nation.
PTPN XIII Persero is highly committed to human resources and the company has developed a structure and system of corporate governance Good Corporate Governance as an eff ort to realize a company growing and developing on an ongoing basis. We are opening recruitment for 2013 as below announcement.
Register Jobs PTPN XIII Persero 2013
The applicants that would like to send application letter related to above announcement and building the cooperation please access the official source link above that we provided to registration.