Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia Jobs and Career October 2012

KSEI Jobs and Career October 2012
Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) an institution that focuses on the capital markets business and serves as the Institute of Securities Settlement and Storage. The services that are served include: administrative Securities, Securities transaction settlement, distribution of corporate action and other relevant services.

For the expansion of services and business services to enhance collaboration with other institutions on a national and international scale, then on this occasion KSEI companies provide jobs for workers able to carry out the mandate and responsibilities of the position and the qualifications below:

Head of Legal Unit (Code: MHKM)
Authority & Responsibility:
  • Provide certainty about any design, manufacture and implementation of the overall central depository services regulation
  • Provide certainty about the Regulatory Compliance and Decision-making
  • Handling Disputes Settlement Company
  • Coordinating the management of documents Rule
Description of Work:
  • Widely understood regarding custodial services business especially in relation to the laws and regulations
  • Understand the function and flow of the Law
  • Understand a full business process (full cycle business process)
  • Understand all the laws and regulations relating to the capital markets business
  • Understand the task Corporate Secretary
  • Having communication and negotiation skills in order to handle court cases
General Requirements:
  1. Age max. 34 years
  2. Graduates S1 / S2 degree in Law will be prioritized (certified lawyer will be a plus), from colleges accredited "A"
  3. At least 4 years experience working as a consultant with the Capital Market Law as well as the reputation of Legal Manager (Legal & Compliance)
  4. Capable of English, which is evidenced by a certificate TOEFL 500 or IELTS 6.0 (max test execution. Within the last 2 years)
  5. Having managerial skills, analysis and retrieval solution well
If you are interested in the above positions we offer, please send your application, CV along with your latest photograph to the following email address: alexander@ksei.co.id/ asfa@ksei.co.id. Application was received later than the date 9 November 2012 by stating the position code "MHKM".


Master Degree 8941096630804307020

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