Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia Jobs and Career October 2012
For the expansion of services and business services to enhance collaboration with other institutions on a national and international scale, then on this occasion KSEI companies provide jobs for workers able to carry out the mandate and responsibilities of the position and the qualifications below:
Head of Legal Unit (Code: MHKM)
Authority & Responsibility:
- Provide certainty about any design, manufacture and implementation of the overall central depository services regulation
- Provide certainty about the Regulatory Compliance and Decision-making
- Handling Disputes Settlement Company
- Coordinating the management of documents Rule
- Widely understood regarding custodial services business especially in relation to the laws and regulations
- Understand the function and flow of the Law
- Understand a full business process (full cycle business process)
- Understand all the laws and regulations relating to the capital markets business
- Understand the task Corporate Secretary
- Having communication and negotiation skills in order to handle court cases
- Age max. 34 years
- Graduates S1 / S2 degree in Law will be prioritized (certified lawyer will be a plus), from colleges accredited "A"
- At least 4 years experience working as a consultant with the Capital Market Law as well as the reputation of Legal Manager (Legal & Compliance)
- Capable of English, which is evidenced by a certificate TOEFL 500 or IELTS 6.0 (max test execution. Within the last 2 years)
- Having managerial skills, analysis and retrieval solution well