Bank BTN Persero Jobs and Career October 2012
Bank BTN domiciled Jakarta and as of December 2011 has a total of 65 branch offices, 218 sub branch offices, 316 cash offices across Indonesia. The Company also has a total of 1,180 ATMs and 2,738 online post offices throughout Indonesia. Based on Bank BTN Annual Report 2011, Bank BTN is successfully managed positive performace in 2011. In terms of net profit, the Bank has earned net profit of Rp1.1 trillion in 2011, increased by 22% from 2010.
In line with its vision, become the foremost bank in the financing of housing, PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk currently invites the best candidates to join as positions below:
- Officer Development Program (ODP)
- General Banking Staff (GBS)
- Male / Female, age 22 - 27 years old (for GBS position : 25 years old)
- Height: male min. 160cm, female min. 155cm
- Physically healthy with proportional weight
- S1/S2 from reputable universities (PTN / PTS) with GPA min. 3.00 (4.00 scale), preferably majoring in :
- Law (Civil, Criminal)
- Economy (Banking, Accounting, Development Studies)
- Computer Science / Informatics Management / Informatics Engineering
- Engineering (Civil, Architectural, Electrical, Industrial and Agricultural)
- Psychology
- PR (Public Relations)
- Able to communicate in English both oral and written
- Computer literate, Ms minimal. Office
- Not married and willing to not get married for 2 years (specifically 3 years for GBS position)
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia
- Willing to undergo a bond for 5 years
- Do not have a family relationship with the employees of Bank BTN
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