Recruitment CPNS 2012 Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur

Penerimaan CPNS 2012 Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur
East Java Provincial Government (PemProv Jatim) again gave young people the opportunity to be recruited into Indonesia candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS). CPNS amount required Java this year as many as 148 people with a detailed medical and technical personnel 90 people 58 people. (Put)

East Java Provincial Government again gave young people the opportunity to be recruited into Indonesia candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS). CPNS amount required Java this year as many as 148 people with a detailed medical and technical personnel 90 people 58 people.

East Java Provincial Secretary, Dr H Rasiyo in Surabaya on Thursday (2/8) said he was grateful for Java is appointed by the RI Kemenpan and Bureaucratic Reform as one of the provinces of the four provinces were given authority to CPNS recruitment with the Province of Bali, Central Kalimantan , and the Pacific Islands. In addition, Kemenpan also designate the city of Surabaya to recruit CPNS.

Rasiyo said, chose Java because Java already qualified requirements set out center, which has done work load analysis, competency, job description, as well as the load is relatively small expenditure that is 7-10% of budget funds. "Conditions can do a budget cost of employee recruitment is not more than 50% of the budget. We are only 10%. That is, we do need and budget officials there, "he said.

In addition, Java needs an employee, because of the current number of employees 23 300 people, each year there are 1,500 people who retire, so the comparison between the retiring and new employees are not comparable. Therefore, he invites to all citizens of Indonesia to take advantage of this opportunity as well.

"My message to the public. Do not believe the promises of misleading promises. No deposit, siblings, or costs. All free. Have a look at the conditions then complete the and send a postcard to BKD Java. Pakde Karwo and I guarantee we are receiving for free, "the message.

In receipt of CPNS, East Java provincial government to apply the principle of transparency means that the mail and online, and be done with an objective means in accordance with existing ones.

Secretary of the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) in East Java, Drs MM Abhimanyu said this year's recruitment needs CPNS correspond in position and job positions needed provincial government. For most medical doctors are specialists, while the technical personnel are those in the field instructor, animal husbandry, fisheries, taxation, and agriculture.

For registration opened 9 s / d August 15, 2012. File selection done at 11 s / d August 16, followed by tests on 8 September. For general requirements are making an application, photocopy of identity card and diploma, and had a minimum GPA of 2.70 both state and private universities. Registration is open to the public as long as an Indonesian citizen and is free of charge. "For more details please see the conditions in," he said.

Related to the exam, he has appointed one of 10 consortia and Unair ITS to create test questions, while the correction is the center.

In addition to the general CPNS recruitment totaling 148 people, it also did CPNS recruitment of non-permanent categories. They are employees who have served long and is eligible to be recruited as CPNS. "Conditions were essentially already working five consecutive years as evidenced by a decree of permanent employees. They join us to do filing, "he added.

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