Jobs and Career PT EMI Persero - Energy Management Indonesia September 2012

Jobs and Career PT EMI Persero - Energy Management Indonesia September 2012
PT. EMI Persero is a state-owned company (BUMN) in Indonesia engaged in the field of conservation and energy management service. The Company was established in 1987 under the name of PT Koneba (Persero). The Company's head office is located in Jakarta and currently operated 9 divisions (Sub Business Units) including Coal, Petroleum, Gas, Electricity, Renewable enegry, SBU Trading, Personnel & GA, Finance, Accounting. In order to achieve energy conservation, efficiency and diversification, the Company offered the following services : Energy Consulting; Technical inspection and Execution; Training; Engineering, Construction and Diversivication; Trading; and Energy Services Company (ESCO). Its clients are from government or state owned enterprise and also from national and foreign private companies.

In line its vision, to become an international competitive company that satisfy its costumers and provide values to its stake holders, PT Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) currenty open vacancy for following position:

Staf Personalia
  • Preferred majoring in Psychology / Law / Management
  • Understanding in the Labour Law and HR Processes
  • Minimum 1 year experience
  • Computer literate min Microsoft Office
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview.

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