Experienced Flight Attendant Career Merpati Nusantara Airlines July 2012
- Female to look attractive
- Last at least high school education / equivalent
- Minimum height 160 cm 170 cm maximum s.d
- Proportional weight
- Not wearing glasses / contact lenses
- Do not use braces
- Not tattooed
- 2x3 size photos (2 sheets), 4x6 (2 sheets), and the whole body (2 sheets)
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Maximum age 35 years
- License valid for at least 6 months rating Boeing Classic / Series
- At least 1 year experience as a Flight Attendat
- Having escaped a letter from the company's needs before
Registration is open every working day at 10:00 to 15:00 pm
Clothing when applying for: Boss short sleeves and knee-length skirt.
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