Jobs and Career Total E&P Indonesie June 2012

The Company's headquarter located in Jakarta and its site plants located in East Kalimantan. The Company concentrated its operations in the offshore Mahakam block in East Kalimantan. Total E&P Indonesie contributes about 80% of the Bontang LNG Plant supply while Indonesia represented 8 percent of Total oil group’s global production in 2008.
PT Total E&P Indonesie is now seeking talented individuals for very challenging jobs, among others:
Workplace Instructure
- Diploma degree, preferably from oil & gas background
- Having 10 years of experience in the oil & gas industry, especially in the production and maintenance area
- Possess knowledge of production flow process and maintenance activity in oil & gas industry
- Having experience as a mentor will be an advantage
- Willing to be relocated at TOTAL E&P INDONESIE’S sites in East Kalimantan (Balikpapan)
- Willing to be placed under temporary contract (12 months)
- Diploma degree, preferably from oil & gas background
- Min. 8 years of working experience in the related field, having experience in the oil & gas industry will be an advantage
- Possess knowledge in well & upstream process facilities and good knowledge in safety
- Having Excellent Health Condition
- Willing to be relocated at TOTAL E&P INDONESIE’S sites in East Kalimantan (Balikpapan).
- Willing to be placed under organic contract
- Senior High School or Vocational High School from mechanical or electrical background
- Min. 1 year of working experience in the related field, having experience in the oil & gas industry will be an advantage.
- Possess knowledge at handling maintenance activity for installation and troubleshooting
- Having Excellent Health Condition
- Willing to be relocated at TOTAL E&P INDONESIE’S sites in East Kalimantan (Balikpapan)
- Willing to be placed under organic contract
- Senior High School or Vocational High School from electrical background
- Min. 1 year of working experience in the related field, having experience in the oil & gas industry will be an advantage
- Possess knowledge at handling maintenance activity for installation and troubleshooting
- Having Excellent Health Condition
- Willing to be relocated at TOTAL E&P INDONESIE’S sites in East Kalimantan (Balikpapan)
- Willing to be placed under organic contract
- Senior High School or Vocational High School from mechanical background
- Min. 1 year of working experience in the related field, having experience in the oil & gas industry will be an advantage
- Possess knowledge at handling maintenance activity for installation and troubleshooting
- Having Excellent Health Condition
- Willing to be relocated at TOTAL E&P INDONESIE’S sites in East Kalimantan (Balikpapan)
- Willing to be placed under organic contract
- Senior High School or Vocational High School from mechanical or electrical background
- Min. 2 years of working experience in the related field, having experience in the oil & gas industry will be an advantage.
- Possess knowledge at handling oil & gas process activity and it’s maintenance
- Having Excellent Health Condition
- Willing to be relocated in Balikpapan
- Willing to be placed under organic contract
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