Jobs and Career Bank Muamalat Indonesia June 2012

Jobs and Career Bank Muamalat Indonesia June 2012PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk is one of the 3rd largest syariah banking company operated in Indonesia. The Company was established in 1991 and its headquarter located in Jakarta. As of December 2011, the Bank supported by 360 branch offices, and 475 units of ATM Muamalat all over Indonesia. By the end of 2011, Bank Muamalat had Rp32.48 trillion in total assets and Rp26.66 trillion in third party funds.

In 2011, Bank Muamalat launched of Shar-E Gold Debt Visa Card that can be used for transaction at all Visa's merchant in Indonesia and abroad. Share-E Gold Debt Visa Card was awarded as the first Sharia Debt Card using chip technology in Indonesia from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI).

How to Apply
Should you interested and qualified, please submit your application with your recent CV not later than August 31, 2012 to: (max 400kb). Please write on email subject : position_branch (ex: Teller_Gorontalo). Only short listed candidate will be contacted.

Jobs Available PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk June - July 2012
In line with its vision, become the premier sharia bank in Indonesia, dominant in the spiritual market and admired in the rational market, currently PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk invites the best candidates to join as following position which will based in East Indonesia Area (KTI); Makassar, Gorontalo, Manado, Kendari, Ternate, Palu, Ambon, Sorong, Jayapura, Mamuju

Relationship Manager (Marketing)
Personalia & Umum
Customer Service
Back Office
Operasional Pembiayaan
Support Pembiayaan
  • Maximum age 27 years old (4 & 5)
  • Good looking with minimum height 170 cm for male and 160 cm for female (4&5)
  • Good looking from both a physical as well as how to dress, confident, and likes to work with target marketing, has an extensive network (1)
General Requirements
  1. Male and Female
  2. Minimum Diploma - D3 with GPA min. 2.75
  3. Have sufficient knowledge of Islamic banking and Islamic religion.
  4. Fluent in English (passive).
  5. Have the ability to operate computers including MS Office programs.
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