Corporate Management Trainee Frisian Flag Indonesia June 2012

Corporate Management Trainee Frisian Flag Indonesia June 2012Frisian Flag Indonesia is the country's prominent milk company. Commonly referred to as Susu Bendera by Indonesians, Frisian Flag has lead the market for 90 years.It all started in 1922 with the "Friesche Vlag" milk brand imported from Cooperative Condensfabriek Friesland – now Royal FrieslandCampina, the world's largest dairy cooperative based in the Netherlands with 16,000 farmer-members across 3 countries and 22,000 employees present in over 100 markets around the world. The company operates two state-of-the-arts production facilities in Pasar Rebo and Ciracas, both in Jakarta, for the brands of Frisian Flag, Yes!, and Omela. The company is also home to more than 1,700 employees spread all over the country.

Frisian Flag believes that it has the responsibility of providing high quality and affordable milk for all levels of Indonesian society. In addition, the company also actively provides education for the community to increase their understanding of nutrition with the ultimate goal of contributing towards improving the quality of the country's human resources.

Realizing the need of employees to support the development of the business, currently Frisian Flag Indonesia open opportunities for the prospective candidate's position as:

Corporate Management Trainee
(Code : FFI - Corporate Management Trainee)
Work Location: Jakarta or All Cities in Indonesia

  • The Corporate Management Trainee’s will be trained and developed by the Specialist, be involved in hands-on project and be able to deal with competitive business environment.
  1. Bachelor Degree (Preferably Master Degree) any major
  2. For Bachelor Degree GPA min 3.0 out of 4
  3. Fluent in English both oral and written
  4. Maximum age 28 years old
  5. 0 - 2 years working experiences
  6. Willing to be stationed in all cities in Indonesia
Interested and qualified candidates may send the application letter and other support document not later than July 20, 2012 after the date of this advertisement. Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview.
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