Jobs and Career 2012 Bank BRI Persero Surabaya & Malang

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Bank BRI Persero is the largest national owned (BUMN) commercial bank companies in Indonesia. The Bank operated since 1895 and engaged to financed the Micro, Small to Medium size Enterprises segments. The Company's corporate head quarter located in Jakarta and currently served more than 33 million accounts either depositors or borrowers.

In 2001, the Company acquired Bank Jasa Artha which then was converted into PT Bank BRISyariah. In 2009, Bank BRI succeeded in connecting all network, at that time BRI had 6,480 work units in real-time on line. In March 2011, the Bank effectively has become the controlling share holder of PT Bank Agroniaga Tbk. As of year-end 2010, the Company supported by 73,805 employees, consisting of 33,296 permanent employees, 2,441 contractual workers and 38,068 outsourcing employees.

Jobs and Career 2012 Bank BRI Persero Surabaya & Malang

In line with its vision, to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction, currently PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk provides the opportunity for potential candidates to join as position below which work under authorized sales agency and based in Surabaya and Malang :

Teller, Customer Service & Administration (FL)

  • Min Diploma with GPA min 2.75
  • Age 20 - 25 years old
  • Thorough and workmanlike
  • Have a good communication skills
  • Honest and consistent in achieving quality and works accuracy
Sales Person (SP)

  • Min SLTA/Diploma
  • Max age 30 - 35 years old
  • Min 1 years experienced in marketing
  • Have own vehicle and SIM A/C
  • Willing to work with target system


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