Jobs and Career 2012 PT Kaltim Prima Coal
The Government of Indonesia invites tenders from foreign companies for the exploration and development of coal resources in east and south Kalimantan. A BP/CRA joint venture was successful in bidding for an area of 7,900 sq. km in two blocks extending 300 km along the coast of eastern Kalimantan.
KPC decision to proceed with the development of an export mine with a design capacity of 7 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) following detailed exploration and a feasibility study of prospects close to Sangatta. The prospect has substantial quantity of high quality coal reserves, is close to a coast line with deep water and is strategically located to service growing markets. KPC subsequently relinquished most of the original Agreement Area, retaining 1,961 sq. Km.
Opportunity exists for a seasoned, high caliber, professional to join the Company with job Assignment in Sengata-East Kalimantan for the positions of:
- Manage Port Navigation Aid
- Manage Mooring Facilities and other Port Facilities.
- Handling vessels, barges in and out of the port
- Arrange Port Formalities
- Mooring/Unmooring vessel and barges
- Monitor loading/unloading vessel and barges
- Monitor utilizing of port facilities
- Piloting vessel in and out
- Monitor of bunkering and FW supply
- Coordinating in providing sea transport to support overall company’s operations in safe
- Monitor of Ship to Ship operation
- Liaise Port communication between vessel and Port control
- Develop port procedures, National and International.
- Implementing port information and regulation
- To prepare port data for port permit and recommendation
- Implementing port administration services
- Preparation of port operation
- Carry out oil spill drill and exercise
- Acting as Deputy PFSO
- Implementing Port Facility Security Plan
- Utilizing of port security equipment
- To performed security drill and exercise
- Liaise and coordination with Harbor Master, Navy and Police to implementation of port security plan
- Carry out vessel inspection and Marine Risk Assessment.
- Giving advise as Marine expert related Port Development
- Merchant Marine Academy, hold Master Marine (ANT 1) or Chief Officer (ANT 2) Certificate with extensive experience in marine operation ( minimum 10 years )
- Hold Pilot or Berthing Master certificate
- Hold PFSO certificate
- Experience in cargo handling, loading and unloading vessels, barges, port clearance and stowage plan.
- Conducting (Pilot/Mooring Master) unlimited vessels size.
- Performing Marine Safety audits, authoring operating guidance and procedures.
- Implementing Port Security Plan
- Excellent written and oral communication skills in Bahasa or in English to liaise with contacts; leadership skill, analytical and problem solving ability.
- Have good knowledge of Indonesian and International Marine Policy and regulation
PO Box 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur