Management Trainee Raksa Pratikara Insurance Recruitment

Asuransi Raksa Pratikara was established in 1975 and conducts business operation based on the motto “Prudent and Trusted”. Our service qualities are enshrined in our professional, reliable, experienced and conscientious staff.

Armed with the latest innovative insurance knowledge, we are constantly prepared to deliver high quality insurance services to our clientele.

We are among the ten largest insurance companies in Indonesia in terms of gross written premium and are in the league of the big five motor vehicle insurer.

Our services comprise 16 offices nation-wide in Indonesia supported by the latest information technology. Communications among branches are performed through on-line network.

Driven by the customers trust built up over the years, we never stop endeavoring to improve the quality of our services. As a testimony to our commitment to quality service, we implemented 24-hour customer service and free car-towing service within the Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi area in 2003. Having gained wide acclaim from customers, the free car-towing service was expanded to the area of Bandung and Surabaya.

Management Trainee Raksa Pratikara Insurance

In 2004, we once again materialized our commitment to the enhancement of customer satisfaction by launching Raksa Gold Club (RGC), which provides dedicated services to motor-car policy holders with sum-insured of and above US$ 70,000.

We offer career opportunities to young and talented people to be positioned as :

Management Trainee
Work locations: Denpasar (Bali), Tangerang (Banten), Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta Raya), Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya), Bandung (Jawa Barat), Bogor (Jawa Barat), Semarang (Jawa Tengah), Malang (Jawa Timur), Surabaya (Jawa Timur), Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan), Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur), Samarinda (Kalimantan Timur), Bandar Lampung (Lampung), Pekanbaru (Riau), Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan), Palembang (Sumatera Selatan), Medan (Sumatera Utara)

  • Male / Female
  • S1 Freshly graduated from reputable university with min. GPA 3.00
  • Age not more than 23 years
  • Having both excellent and analytical communication skills as well interpersonal skills, computer literate (MS Office), excellent English language skill (proficiency in Mandarin will be an advantage)
  • Willing to be placed at all of our branches in Indonesia.

How to Apply
For online registration process, please do on the link provided below:


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