Jobs and Career Sinar Inti Indoraya Group August 2012

Jobs and Career Sinar Inti Indoraya Group August 2012
PT. Sinar Inti Indoraya Group (SIIG), or we called it SIIG is a strong candidate of business corporation in Indonesia, which has already spread it wings through many developments and improvements in all strategic industries, from upstream to downstream.

SIIG has successfully built the success foundation trough the serious commitment of always giving the best products and services for its customers. By the actions of the subsidiaries which have successfully grown in all business that they are involved in, SIIG flies the flag and shows its class as the well known notified company.

Based on the diversified businesses of the subsidiaries which have already supported with the high level of human resources qualities and high technology equipments, SIIG has been prepared to answer the challenges of the competitions which also brought promising opportunities for the future’s business’ improvement.

PT. Sinar Inti Indoraya Group (SIIG) is now requiring prospective leaders are smart, creative and dynamic through the program:
  1. Leadership Development Program (LDP)
  2. Food Technology/Teknologi Pangan
  • Male / Female, max.26 years old
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Food Technology Fresh Graduate
  • min.3.00 GPA (scale of 4)
  • Initiative, have a high motivation to learn and grow.
  • Willing to follow the bond department and placed throughout the business unit PT SIIG.
  • Energetic and have the leadership
  • Creative, communicative and able to work together.
  • Mastering computer skills and English.
If you are interested and meet the above qualifications, please send your complete application before August 16, 2012 to: Direktorat Pengembangan Karir & Hubungan Alumni IPB, Gd. Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lt. 1, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680

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