Jobs and Career PKSS - Prima Karya Sarana Sejahtera (BRI Group) August 2012

Jobs and Career PKSS - Prima Karya Sarana Sejahtera (BRI Group) August 2012
PT. Prima Karya Sarana Sejahtera (PKSS) which was established in 1999 is a subsidiary of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Workers Welfare Foundation Inc. through Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI YKP)

PKSS have a high commitment and dedication as a company engaged in the mobilization and provision of human resources sectors to meet both internal and external operations of your company.

PKSS is a company that is ready to provide services / services meet the availability of qualified workers, from serving user requests to: recruitment, briefing / training of workers, placement and human resource management services, especially outsourching power: security guard, Pramubakti, Night Guard, Driver, Teller / Cashier / Payment Point, Secretary, Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer and other job functions. And service delivery / implementation of training / training / education / workshops / seminars.

Today, companies need workers for various job functions that will be placed in Bank Rakyat Indonesia and other companies.

Job Placement in Bali
Position Available:
  1. Sales Person
  2. Frontliner
Details and Procedures Applying to Bali, please access PKSS Bali

Employment in South Sumatra
Position Available:
  1. Frontliner
  2. Sales Person & Services Fund
  3. Consumer Sales Person
Details and Procedures Applying to South Sumatra, please access PKSS South Sumatra

Only qualified candidates will be called in the interview process.


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