Rekrutmen CPNS Pemkab Cilacap Jateng Tingkat S1 September 2013
Pemerintah Kabupaten Cilacap or the Regency of Cilacap is the largest regency in Central Java province with total area of 225,360.840 hectares. The Regency of Cilacap is located the southwestern part of Central Java province and administratively divided into 24 districts, 269 villages and 15 urban villages. Administratively, the regency of Cilacap borders to Banyumas, Brebes and Kuningan regencies in the north, Kebumen regency in the east, Indian ocean in the south, and Ciamis regency and Banjar city in the west.
According to latest data from the Population and Civil Registration Office of Cilacap Regency (Dispendukcapil), total population of the Regency of Cilacap in 2008 was 1,860,240 people. The Regency of Cilacap headed by a Regent and currently held by Tatto Suwarto Pamuji, and assisted by Ahmad Edi Susanto as a vice regent.
Due to strengthen its team, Kabupaten Cilacap open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as:
Details Info & Register CPNS Pemkab Cilacap 2013
Online registration through (20 - 30 September 2013). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.
According to latest data from the Population and Civil Registration Office of Cilacap Regency (Dispendukcapil), total population of the Regency of Cilacap in 2008 was 1,860,240 people. The Regency of Cilacap headed by a Regent and currently held by Tatto Suwarto Pamuji, and assisted by Ahmad Edi Susanto as a vice regent.
Due to strengthen its team, Kabupaten Cilacap open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as:
Details Info & Register CPNS Pemkab Cilacap 2013
Online registration through (20 - 30 September 2013). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.