Penerimaan CPNSD Khusus D3, S1 & S2 Pemkab Barito Utara Kalteng September 2013

Kabupaten Barito Utara or the Regency of Barito Utara is a regency in the Province of Central Kalimantan, which was founded in 1959. The Capital of Barito Utara is Muara Teweh. The area of the Regency of Barito Utara is 8,300 km2. Accoding to Badan Pusat Statistik 2010 Cencus, total population of Barito Utara was 121,573.

Penerimaan CPNSD Khusus D3, S1 & S2 Pemkab Barito Utara Kalteng September 2013
The Regency of Barito Utara is administratively divided into 9 districts, namely Gunung Purei, Gunung Timang, Lahei, Montalat, Teweh Tengah, Teweh Timur, Teweh Selatan, Teweh Baru, and Lahei Barat. Since 2003, the Regency of Barito Utara is lead by Ir H Achmad Yuliansyah MM as a Regent.

Due to strengthen its team, Kabupaten Barito Utara open the opportunity for the best Indonesian Citizen who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) as:

For further information about jobs requirements, application form and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from Kab Barito Utara on following link below. Closing date 20 September 2013.

Info and Registrations CPNSD Pemkab Barito Utara 2013
Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.


Pemkab Barito Utara 1840312400966480258

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