PT Pertamina Retail Jobs and Career November 2012
PT. Pertamina Retail, as one of the downstream business of PT. Pertamina (Persero) opens the opportunity for young dynamic professionals to join our company as:
Finance staff
Work Location: Jakarta
Work Location: Papua, Sorong (West Papua)
Work Location: Jakarta
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Finance staff
Work Location: Jakarta
- Male / female
- At least 25 years
- S1 in Economics / Accounting
- Minimum 1 year
- Can work in a team
- Having accuracy in work.
- Placement in Jakarta
Work Location: Papua, Sorong (West Papua)
- Male
- Maximum 35 Years
- Minimal D3 all programs
- Having experience working at the pump
- Ready to work in shifts
- able-bodied
- Placement at the pump Sorong - Papua.
Work Location: Jakarta
- Male / Female
- SMA and equal
- Maximum age 25 years
- able-bodied
- Having a good working resistance
- Ready to work in shifts
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