Jobs and Career PT PLN Persero Kalimantan Selatan & Tengah August 2012
PT. PLN (Persero) area of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan require prospective employees with a retirement age of 46 years of its placement scattered throughout the territory of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.
In order to meet the manpower needs as:
Only qualified applicants will be called and do not charge anything (no charge). The selection by knockout at each stage and the committee decision is final (can not be contested).
In order to meet the manpower needs as:
- Technician / Distribution Operations
- Technician / Plant Operations
- Distribution Maintenance Technician
- Male gender, unmarried status
- Not able to smoke and not smoke
- Last Education SMK Machine / Chemical and high school science for the position of JUNIOR OPERATOR OF PLANT OPERATIONS
- Last high school science education and vocational Electricity for the position of JUNIOR OPERATOR OF OPERATIONS DISTRIBUTION
- Last high school science education and vocational Electricity for the position of JUNIOR TECHNICIAN MAINTENANCE OF DISTRIBUTION
- Last high school science education and vocational Electric to position JUNIOR FIELD MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN DISRIBUSI
- Diploma average value of at least 6.5
- Age maximum 20 years
- Minimum height 155 cm
- Physically and spiritually healthy by physician examination / laboratory appointed by the company.
- Weight proportional to height, does not exceed the standards of obesity (BMI maximum 28)
- Pass the selection process, which includes: Selection of Administrative, Physical Testing, Academic Testing, Psychotest, Health Tests, Interviews and Training Prajabatan.
- Preferred domiciled in the region of PT PLN (Persero) Region of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan as evidenced by KTP / SIM / domicile of the Office of the Village
- Able-bodied (laboratory standards), not color blind, no night blindness and normal eye
- Prajabatan willing to take part in education for a maximum of 12 months with a status as a student Prajabatan Training. If passed Prajabatan Training, will be appointed as a permanent employee and must undergo a bond for 5 (five) years after the employee was appointed.
Only qualified applicants will be called and do not charge anything (no charge). The selection by knockout at each stage and the committee decision is final (can not be contested).