Consumer Financing Executive Jobs Bank Syariah Mandiri Semarang July 2012

Consumer Financing Executive Jobs Bank Syariah Mandiri Semarang July 2012PT Bank Syariah Mandiri is one of the market leader in sharia-banking industry in Indonesia. The Bank was established in 1999 with PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk as the controlling shareholders. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk hold 99,999999% shares of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. Other shares owned by PT Mandiri Sekuritas.

The Company's based in Jakarta and operated 699 office networks in all over Indonesia, including 128 branch offices, 424 sub branch offices, 46 cash offices, 9 sharia service offices, and 92 payment points. The Company also supported by 598 units of ATM Syariah Mandiri. In May 2012, Bank Syariah Mandiri wons an award from Word of Mouth Marketing Award held by SWA magazine and Onbee Marketing.

In line with its vision, to be the most trusted and preferred sharia bank for business partners, currently PT Bank Syariah Mandiri invites the best candidates to join as following positions which will based on Consumer Financing Business Center Semarang:

Consumer Financing Executive (CFE)
  • Male/Female with min age 21 years old and max 30 years old
  • Hold min Diploma (D-3) from all majors with GPA min 2.50
  • Willing to be placed in Semarang Area (Kendal, Magelang, Salatiga, Kudus, Purwodadi, Temanggung)
  • Have a good communication skills
Should you interested, please submit your complete application (cover letter, CV, Copy of ID Card/SIM, Legalized copy of diploma & transcript, working reference and 4x6 color photograph) through walk in interview that will held on 1 July 2012 09.00 - 13.00 WIB at: PT Bank Syariah Mandiri KC Semarang - Jl Pandanaran 90 Semarang. Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed.
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Jobs BUMN 5751446043160261982

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